Happy spring! As the season ushers in the start of new lifecycles, WISH is gearing up to begin its new grant cycle. How does the grant cycle work? We’re glad you asked!
Is there a fairy godmother in the house?
More like a group of super cool aunts. WISH members begin the grant cycle by contributing $500 each at our annual social in June. Their individual donations are pooled, and these funds, along with a few larger donations, are earmarked to support local programs, projects, and services provided by UCHealth. Next, grant applications are distributed, and applicants must submit their completed applications by August/September.
Who decides where the money goes?
The final decision on which projects to fund is made by WISH members at our annual voting event. For the 2019 grant cycle, the voting event was held last November at Café Vino. In the months leading up to the event, interview teams reviewed applications and made recommendations on which applications should be considered at the voting event.
Wishes granted.
There were some tough decisions, but thanks to a few last-minute larger donations, WISH was able to fund everything we wished to contribute to. For 2019, a total of $56,059 in WISH grants was awarded to 18 different projects and causes. The grant recipients receive funding from WISH to support strategies in health care and preventive health. Click here to see the list of recipients.
When do we start the next grant cycle?
We kick off the grant cycle at our annual social, happening in early June. We will celebrate together and share what WISH does with friends and new acquaintances. If you are curious about joining one of the interview teams, this is a great venue to get connected. Invitations to the event and reminders to renew your membership will go out soon. We hope to see you there.
To join or renew your membership today, click here (scroll down on that page to see the membership form).