In northern Colorado, researchers in the medical and academic arenas are collaborating to keep pushing the frontiers of medicine. Research results in innovation that benefits all of us—current and future patients. We must invest in research because it’s a key part of patient care.
At Spring Benefit, attendees were treated to experiential booths that offered opportunities to see, touch, and learn about medical advances made possible by research. One of the experiential booths, for example, offered guests the opportunity to don virtual reality goggles and walk around inside the human body. The technology takes real 2D MRI and CT scan images and stacks them to create a 3D “body.” The experience can be used for diagnosis, training, and patient education.
We extend our thanks to all who helped make Spring Benefit happen and to everyone who contributed to the cause. If you’d like to make a donation, you can still do so by visiting our donation page and selecting Medical Research from the Designation drop-down menu. 100 percent of your donation will go to local medical research.
To see more pictures from Spring Benefit, visit our Facebook page.
Your dollars and the collective generosity of our community make a profound difference and have a direct impact on patients’ lives. Thank you.
This antique doctor’s wagon dates to the mid-1800s and provided a contrast to the state-of-the-art ambulance also on display at Spring Benefit. The buggy was generously loaned to us by Bill and Elizabeth Markham, pictured here.
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(L to R) Lisa Buckman, Linda Britton, and Christine Thorkildsen pose in front of the state-of-the-art UCHealth ambulance available for tours at the event.
Guests visiting this experiential booth learned how high-fidelity manikins let care providers practice and hone care for obstetrics patients in a simulation environment before they encounter those patients in the real world.
An experiential booth at the event offered guests the opportunity to don virtual reality goggles and walk around inside the human body. The technology takes real 2D MRI and CT scan images and stacks them to create a 3D “body.” The experience can be used for diagnosis, training, and patient education.